Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Final Project 300 Word Story

            Finals week is upon us all; time to burry our faces in the books and study until we can’t possibly read another sentence right? Wrong!
            Over studying and stressing all week may not result in the grades you’re aiming for. Stress can actually make it harder for your brain to learn and remember information so one of the main things you should focus on this week is to remain calm!
            One interesting method that is said to help your mind relax is to try and do absolutely nothing for 3-5 minutes. Your brain needs a break from all that studying so let it rest with no stimulus so it can take that breather it disserves.
             Another fun way to let your brain recharge is to set aside 15-20 minutes to do something purely for fun. Play a game, paint your nails, or Skype with a friend from home, anything to get your mind off that looming paper you need to write. After you have some fun you may find that you feel more productive and want to tackle some of the work you have piled up.
            After you’ve finished up one of your many projects and given your brain a long, hard workout why not go exercise the rest of your body?  It’s been proven time and time again that working your muscles and getting your blood flowing relieves your body of stress. You don’t have to go all P90X on yourself either; a simple walk or jog can do the trick, and you may find it surprising how energized and motivated you can feel afterwards.

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