Sunday, November 27, 2011

Final Project Description

I've chosen LSC finals for my final project topic.
The multimedia forms I'll be using are an audio slideshow and an interactive map.
What I plan to do is talk about areas on campus that can assist students in prepping for their dreaded finals ie the library, writing center, dorms, hornets nest, gym, dining hall (yes I have a way to tie all of these locations to my topic). I'm going to take pictures at all of these locations and create a slideshow accompanied by audio narration by me and soundbites from students. Then I will make an interactive map of the campus and mark all of the places I discuss in the slideshow then add blurbs about what these areas have to offer. I'm going to have the slideshow play out of the map so the two are connected.
For the 300 word essay I'm going to write about finals and stress.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

But Hut Controversy

            The Lyndon State College but hut’s days could be numbered.
Semi-recent events resulting in extensive damages to the campus’ designated smoking area have caused college officials to further discuss the possibility of removing the eye-sore from campus.
Over the course of the semester, public safety has dealt with multiple issues in that area of campus such as trash being left on the ground, people carving and drawing on its posts, the overhead lighting inside the hut has been blacked out and taped over more than once, and not to mention reports of illegal drug and alcohol consumption by some of the huts frequent users.
George Hacking, the head of public safety, feel that this is a huge disrespect, not only to the campus itself, but to other members of the LSC community who properly utilize the area for its intended purpose of smoking cigarettes. Hacking says, “there are a number of students who actually go out there to smoke cigarettes who enjoy having a roof over their head and they’re not causing any problems… I’ve actually had students who use the but hut come to me and complain about the use of alcohol or marijuana in that area.”  
When asked to describe the but hut and/or its usual inhabitants many students, including those that use the area, used the term “sketchy” or “reckless.”  This kind of response really gives off a strong impression the area has and it’s not exactly a positive one.
“I wouldn’t be surprised if we came back from Thanksgiving break and it was gone… It’s fair, they’ve warned us several times,” says LSC student and but hut user Evan Shadowfax, “it’s really going to suck in the winter with the freezing cold winds.”
Is it really fair though? Multiple sources, who have asked that they remain anonymous, gave detail from the night the but hut’s railings were destroyed. Allegedly, the culprits were two intoxicated friends of a freshman who lives here at the college. They arrived on campus after a party in town and proceeded to kick the railings out. If this accusation is true then the students of the college who use that space correctly may have to pay the price for something they couldn’t have prevented.
As someone who doesn’t attend the college but frequently visits the but hut, Joseph Bryan Nelson responds to the allegations against the two possible suspects by saying, “I don’t see how someone could come to an area that’s not theirs and affect a lot of people that they don’t have any connection to at all”
            Unfortunately, public safety will have no way of figuring out if these accusations are actually true or not.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Video Project Topic

But Hut Controversy                                

I would like to do my video project on the but hut controversy. The school has had multiple issues with the gazebo over the course of the semester, most recently almost every railing enclosing the hut was some how detached (except for one) and removed from it. Rumor has it George Hacking has been contemplating removing it from the campus.

For my sound source Id like to get comments from George hacking and both smoking and non-smoking students who live on campus to get a full opinion on the matter.
Then obviously my video will be shots of the but hut and the interviews. 

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Sound Slides

Many works of art can be looked at from multiple angles, with each new view telling a different story than the one before. This same outlook can apply to the people that surround us in our day to day world as well. 
On the surface Lizzie Chenard may look like any other student at Lyndon State College, but inside she is a talented individual with a keen eye for beauty.
Chenard’s passion for art arose in high school when she was required to take a computer class. She chose to take digital editing, despite being told terrible things about the class and teacher. After only a few days of being enrolled in the class however, Chenard had fallen in love with it and soon decided that this was something she wanted to do for the rest of her life.
Today she is majoring in graphic design along with minors in new media and visual arts. Chenard is hoping to make a name for her self in the future as an art director in Hollywood saying, “It would be awesome because art directors are in charge of everything artistic about an epic movie.”
She understands that she will have to start small and work her way up to her dream. She considers starting out on a graphic design path making movie posters, but for now she is focusing on her work at college.
Her style focuses on geometric abstraction which Chenard descries as, “pure forms of shape and color.”
Over time her work has grown and developed from being strictly computer based art, to drawings and paintings done out by hand. Chenard considers herself to be more of a technical drawer with a weakness in her ability to sketch out a portrait of someone.
She strives for perfection because in her geometric style of art one bump in a line can offset an entire piece. Chenard believes that she is as critical on herself as any other artist would be. She mentions that they all share the similar burden of thinking everything is pretty, except for their own creations.
Chenard takes her work very seriously, yet it is also a form of escape for her. For the time being most of her art is directly related to class assignments, but she does have one ongoing project that is purely for her own enjoyment, a series called Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds.
The series is based on the popular Beatles hit and each painting represents a line from the song. The paintings are vibrant and eye catching with a slight children’s book charm about them.
 While she’s working, Chenard enjoys some good audio stimulation. She will listen to music from artists like Led Zeppelin or in the case of her work in progress Lucy in the Sky, she tends to listen to lots of standup comedy. She likes the works of Katt Williams and Eddie Izzard.
Chenard firmly believes that, “anything and everything is beautiful,” and she urges people go out and search for the beauty in the world that surrounds us all.